Friday, February 12, 2010

board meeting

Tuesday February 9th.Topics discussed:
Tom Grubbs reported that the grant for purchasing the signs has been approved, Tom will deliver list of names of creeks on Smith lake in Winston County to be made."32"
We have permission from Al. Power to erect signs on their property.We have a document prepared for other property owners to sign giving us permission to erect these signs on their property.These signs will be great for boaters on the lake,we need everyones corporation and help.If you have questions call Tom Grubbs @205-489-3422.
Mary Ann reported that the bacteria blitz was a huge success,waiting for Al.water watch to give us the results of all the tests.Judy is going to be teaching a class on taking care of our water, to each 3rd grade class at Meek School this spring.
LaVerne reported that last weeks Rock Creek watershed meeting on Thursday was poorly attended, bad weather.Had a great many ideas presented, watershed program moving forward, very positive.
Election of Officers and Directors. Up date on wcslai. projects,Rock Creek watershed,and Al.Power will update us on styrofoam removal. Plan to attend this meeting,meet the Officers and Directors of wcslai. and learn what we have done in the past, and are planning for this year, and the future. This is the members assoc. and their/your lake to help us to protect the environment,too keep the water clean forever in the lake

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

board meeting

Proposed Agenda
Winston County Smith Lake Advocacy, Inc.
February 9, 2010

Minutes/Treasurers report
Status of Audit Linda

Report on water testing Mary Ann

Signage project grant status Tom

Scholarship introduction Linda/Judy

Public meeting with election of officers for 2010 ALL

Report on Watershed meeting and PP program LaVerne

Update on Watershed class Judy

Location for April Cleanup ALL

Discussion from each director about his/her area
of lake regarding problems/Styrofoam/state of lake ALL

Introduction of assistant John Ledbetter

Potential additional use of our boat LaVerne//All

Other future projects?? ALL

10:00 A.M. Traders and Farmers Bank